Our catalog continues to evolve and grow, and we have no one except our loyal clients to thank for that. This bundle is no exception to that repeating concept.
We originally introduced our PEMF mats as a device geared towards general wellbeing. Something anyone could use to buffer their overall health. The far infrared and pulsed electromagnetic wavelengths in the Theta and Schumann’s resonance being natural healing frequencies found within the body, and coming from mother earth… Plus everything in between and up to 50hz.
We quickly got requests for a bundle which provided both size mats. While the mini is one of our most convenient products, fitting into any chair or seat, a large portion of users also like dedicating time and space to the larger mat. Finding the two experiences to be uniquely different.
Many reported enjoying having to set time and space aside for the larger mat has held them accountable to dedicate time to healing, relaxing, meditating or practicing yoga or breathing… or doing all of these things together.
It immediately made sense to us.
By popular demand, we put together the Frequency Fanatic. A great combination of convenience, grounding, relaxation and dedication to self-love. Both of these products provide a combination of Far Infrared, PEMF and Red Light Therapy. Great for general wellness, anxiety relief and/or chronic pain.